Tuesday, January 1, 2019

2019: Another promising YEAR

Each New Year we make resolutions to eat, drink and be better.  We set goals for our businesses, our fitness and our waistlines.  We reflect on the good and bad of the year past to help us prepare for what is to come. There is just something about turning the page on a year that encourages use to look toward the future.  If you are one of those that set those goals and resolve to be a better self then my wish is that you see them come true.  My hope is that your every goal is exceeded and you take time to make memories throughout the year. The memories are the glue that holds it all together.  You can not reflect on the past without those memories and it is imperative that you plan for the future to build those memories.

The outcome for this year is not set in stone but I do have building blocks already in place.  Things to look forward to, work hard for and build memories with.  Concerts scheduled to attend with family, from Billy Joel to Willie Nelson to Bob Segar.  Live action stage to enjoy as cousin Becca takes on Patsy Cline at the Athens Theatre.  A family vacation that brings us all together to take on an all new adventure. Fitness to prepare for with another Spartan race scheduled.  A wedding to highlight the year with much planning set to culminate in a wonderful day for Alyse and I and of course the honeymoon.   And this is just the beginning.

If I can encourage one thing, it is plan the next adventure. Take out those calendars and set aside the time for making those memories.  Resolutions and goals are wonderful.  Some we may keep and some we may excel at but you will be far more successful making plans for building memories.

Much love to you and yours this New Year and may all your dreams become reality!

Until next time........

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