Monday, September 7, 2015

I Believe It's About Perspective and Attitude

Recently I have been contemplating removing myself from all social media.  It seems that fear mongering and seeking out things to complain about and sharing them are becoming the norm.  So much so that I dreamed about it the other day and when negative attitudes and constant complaining start filtering in to your dreams, you may want to rethink things.  I didn't even want to address it for fear of falling into the same negative compliant fueled diatribe myself.  But then I decided to get up and go watch the sunrise this morning.  Sunrises are amazing to me.  The beginning of a brand new day.  Mother nature has cleaned the slate and hit reset so that we can enjoy the day anew.  I take pleasure watching the world come alive.  Mornings in general just set me in the right direction.  I listen better, focus my thoughts and have time to clean out the clutter to enjoy the moment.  But how can we carry that enjoyment of life and happiness throughout the day.  With 24 hour news perpetuating doom and gloom, reality TV introducing more and more drama into our lives, and social media wrecking havic on us with naysayers spewing hatred and others constantly complaining about the other sides opinion (and those are our friends and family).  How do you carry that wonderful feeling of happiness and love into the rest of your life, work and family? How do you block out the dark and continue to introduce light?  How can I be a better version of me and help bring a smile and genuine happiness to those I come in contact with?  I legitimately do not have the answer but I believe it lies within our own perspective and attitude.  Allowing ourselves to be open to the idea that essentially most people have more potential for good than bad and and many of them are really just trying to do the right thing.  Embrace that view and reflect it back.  Seek the good and through our attitude reflect it back out into the world.  It seems so easy for people to lean toward negative and reflect that back with a magnitude of even more negative that I truly fear for the direction it is leading us as a society.  It drives a very noticeable division between our different cultures.  Without embracing our differences and and finding wonder in the things that make us unique we do not allow ourselves to learn.  To become defiantly close minded to others opinions and seek out crap to spew in an attempt to somehow fight for your position is utterly irresponsible.  I was discussing this with my daughter and the best analogy I could think of was like finding a pile of dog poop in the yard and instead of cleaning it up before someone stepped in it or even possibly walking around it and going on with your day people seem to be seeking it out, stepping in it on purpose, dragging it into the house with their shoe and then complaining that there is dog shit on the carpet.  But now I feel as if I am falling back into the cycle.
I can only try to take in life with the wonderment of a child and cast it back out into the the world with the wisdom of many of the teachers before me and hope that my perspective stays focused on good and my attitude helps perpetuate happiness with those I surround myself with.  Clean the slate, enjoy the peace, embrace those around you with love and for god sake stay away from the piles of poop.

Until next time.......

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Time To Turn The Page

Have you ever typed for hours only to wipe it clean and start all over.  I just did that both physically and metaphorically. I started and stopped this blog post several times in the past few weeks and just wiped it all to start back over. Not a new beginning but definitely an ending and with many more possibilities for the future. Turning the page and starting a new chapter with a blank page if you will.

Since I have never been one to focus on the negative I wanted to extol upon my positives. I once joked about feeling like a Phoenix emerging from the ashes but damn if that is not how I truly feel.

I am a humble father of two amazing children that have and continue to be the light of my life. Through the turmoil of  constant change they have both been stronger than children should need to be (albeit they are 19 and almost 16), more flexible than a crazy straw and the rock of my existence.  I'm not sure a father could be prouder or more full of love for his children than I am of Sydney and Connor.  May my current path lead them in guidance of that love and compassion that they constantly show me.  I have had many different opportunities in life, choices to do many things but the one true course I have always known was to be a father and provider.  These young adults have given me my only true life's passion and I am so thankful for them.

In order to be able to fully steer through my maze of challenges the past few years I had to rely on many of my family and friends.  This was honestly the hardest thing I have ever had to do.  I am not a man that asks for help, I am the provider, I am the guy that shows up when others need help.  Without my closest family and friends helping me along the way, I truly don't know where I would be.  The love, compassion and support I have received has driven me to be the best version of ME that I can. I am not out of the woods fully but I can see the clearing and it's because of the amazing people in my life.  They have gotten me through more than I could ever ask and even more than I can ever repay but my promise to them is my blood, sweat and tears as long as I have a working muscle in my body.  Thank you so much for supporting me when I couldn't support myself and pushing me when I needed it the most.

Part of this new chapter is a woman that has helped me realize that it is still OK to give fully of myself. To love and be loved, to laugh and be laughed at, to celebrate every day with that joy and love.  In our relationship I am happiest watching her smile and enjoy herself,  it empowers me to want so much more when I am with her.  Through her I FEEL love again.  Alyse Webb thank you for opening your heart to me, your life (and home) to my family and reminding me what it feels like to find true happiness.

I think the reason I started and stopped this so many times is that I knew I wanted to say something but didn't know what I wanted to say.  I look back on how I got here and really don't know if I would (or really could) change much.  I am not a perfect man and I am constantly learning every day.  The biggest thing is that I am much more appreciative of those around me and willing to listen.  I seek guidance from those that have walked before me and crave to learn how to give back the love I have been given. With the fear of sounding hokey I am more full of love and compassion, slower to react and now living with a purpose. I guess I really just wanted to acknowledge the people that have gotten me to this point and truly end a chapter in order to begin another.

Time to go find another adventure and share the joy of life!

Until next time......

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Building Memories, One Adventure at a Time

This past weekend the kids and I traveled north to visit with Robert and partake in a little outdoor adventure.  Coming together and creating memories is nothing new to our group.  Camping, boating, scuba, surfing, hiking, biking, sightseeing, events like Nascar and Bike week, as well as the kids experiencing flying this past year are all things dear to our heart. Life is all about experiences and thankfully, Florida is our home so we can enjoy many of these things year round.  But sometimes you have to get out of your backyard, go where you've never gone and do what you have never done before.  So, Robert comes up with the idea to come up his way and play in the mountains.  Let the kids experience snow and cold weather, snow ski a little, go wander in the Smokey Mountains. Immediately it sounded like a great idea but we are like the norm, what about money, time, experience, just how are we going to pull it off?  All I can say is if you wait for the money or the time you will never gain the experience.  I am not a rich man in a monetary sense but my values and my wealth come from those that surround me. Experiencing life and the nature surrounding you is not always about money.  We will never look back and think about how much it cost but we will absolutely remember throwing the first snow ball, making a snow angel or waiting and watching the sun go down over the Smokey Mountains. That being said all things have a cost. That cost should not stop you from achieving those experiences. I damn sure don't have the funds for a huge ski trip but I do have friends and resources to help assist. In fact, I'm pretty sure that the biggest endeavors I have been given an opportunity to do have been by just saying "What do you think about doing this?", and then figuring out how to do it.  The way I figure, once you say something you are pretty much obligated to do it.  Thankfully, I have friends and family along the way.  Friends and family to push me, support me and help "make it happen".  Without them nothing is possible. So with borrowed jackets, friends covering for me, my love to take care of the dogs and the support of Robert we headed north to Maggie Valley.  The memories we built are priceless.  I'm sure everyone took away something different so I can only speak for myself but there were so many firsts for us.  The first time snow skiing which leads to the first time taking a ski lift up the mountain.  I can't explain the excitement, after several trips up, the first time we all glided off the lift and not one of us fell getting off.  Definitely a high five moment! Sydney's excitement to make it all the way down without falling once is a big one. Driving up a mountain and seeing no other tire tracks in the snow as you head up is very cool but 10 degrees with a -30 wind chill when you get up there is downright cold.  As a child I played in the mountains of upstate New York but it definitely was a first to play in the mountains with my kids and Robert.  Exploring frozen waterfalls, playing with huge icecicles, Connor's excitement in those bits of frozen water with camera in hand looking to capture the perfect pic, driving from lookout point to lookout point trying to find the perfect spot for sunset in the Smokey Mountains and randomly stopping only to see an elk passing by are memories of a lifetime. I cherish my time with my kids and to be able to spend time making memories inspires me to be the best version of me I can.  I come back excited for the next adventure and even more thankful for what I have.  On a side note, those memories are wonderful but don't forget to document them.  Pictures, video, journals, whatever works, just make sure to capture it.  Pictures have been huge for me and I never realized how much I video taped until I recently starting a project converting them.  In the past, I created an annual year in review to share those experiences. That lead to the first incarnation of this blog.  Now with this new version I am hoping to not only share our journey but maybe, just maybe inspire others and along the way document it all so that my kids have something to look back at as they recall the adventure we all call life.  My wish is for more of my family and friends to experience all that life has to offer and may we all continue to figure out ways to "Make it happen!"  Until next time.....

Sunday, January 25, 2015

I Love My Sunrises

Sunrises...The Dawn of a Brand New Day

Ever since I could remember I have loved watching the sun rise.  Maybe it's that I have spent the majority of my life on the east coast and always near the ocean but I have always been drawn to the shore in those pre-dawn moments.  I don't always make time for it but when I do it affects me in a way I can't explain.  The feeling is almost indescribable but it is always the same.  As I head down to the beach in the dark of the morning an excitement comes over me.  I have to mentally tell myself to slow down, I'll get there, take your time Bill.  Approaching the bridge to cross the river I'm already excited to take in the awe-inspiring horizon complete with the beautiful hues of gold and amber just beginning to light the day.  It's the race to get to the beach and I don't know why, I'm always early.  Once I get there I can't wait to hit the sand. Looking for the perfect picture, listening to the surf crash and the birds sing. I have to force myself to slow down and take it all in. It's tough. I run head first towards things, high energy, loud, excited, ask anyone that knows me. But to just take those few minutes and enjoy the natural beauty that is the morning, is very fulfilling. Mornings like this morning make me want to stay and enjoy the whole day there but on this occasion I returned home to share it with the world.

If you have never taken the time, are not a normally early riser or just haven't made the time lately, I encourage you to set your alarm just a little earlier and make your way to someplace where you can bask in the beauty as you too watch the dawn of a brand new day.

Until next time...

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Hard Work Never Hurt Anyone

It's funny, the other day I had a friend ask me "How's it going?" I replied "Working hard."  This kind of stuck with me.  I am 46 and believe I am working harder now than any other time of my life.  Sometimes physically, sometimes mentally but definitely more now than ever.  Because of that I am more focused than any time in my life also.  Goals are not just numbers they are literally my future.  I have never been afraid of work but I always seemed to either have a physical job (installing flooring) or a mental job (managing companies and people) but never like now when I am doing every bit of both.  Any given day can find me installing in the morning, selling in the afternoon, measuring in the evening and helping move or deliver something before I get home.  Not a rant, not complaining, definitely not bragging and nothing new for anyone who has known me for any length of time.  I was taught that you suck it up and do what has to get done.  Be the person that others can count on to get the job done and always live up to your word when you say you can do it.  Sometimes we do things by choice and other times we do them out of necessity.  Life is funny, it can be a little like the game Shoots and Ladders.  One day you're going along rolling your dice climbing your way up and bang the next thing you know you are sliding backwards and starting back over.  In a odd sort of way I appreciate the humbling changes life handed me.  It reinforced in me what is important and what are just material things.  It reminded me what is worth working for.  It is so true when they say the little things in life are not just things and they're damn sure not little.  When you  watch all the material things you had worked for slowly dissolve and find yourself rebuilding you look around and find the people beside you that deserve your hard work and you work harder for it.  Yes, work is hard but it also can be rewarding and the reward is what makes all the work that much sweeter. I say give me the opportunities and I will run.  Work me into the ground so that I can better enjoy the weekends at the beach or walking in the woods.  Let me live to be an example to my children so that they too can understand the power of hard work and what it means to succeed. In the end it's like the Jason Aldean song "It's the only way I know" and I wouldn't have it any other way.
Until next time.....